Cooking at school vs Cooking at home

With the end of the semester nearing, I cannot wait to get home and be able to cook some good meals for myself. Going to school at Roger Williams University, I am very blessed with the quality of the food provided for us here, but sometimes it’s nice to make your own food once in a while because only you know what you really like.

Although I do live in an on-campus apartment with a small kitchen, it’s just not the same as cooking at home. At home, there is a lot more ingredients at hand and a lot more space and utensils to use. With plentiful ingredients at hand, I can be a lot more creative, and have a lot more options. At school on the other hand, it’s just not a reality for me to spend all of my money on things to prep great meals. Although we do have our apartment stocked with the essentials. We have freezer food, drinks, condiments, pasta, rice, snacks, and other non perishables. In this post I will share with you one recipe I like to cook for myself at school and one I like to cook for myself when I’m home.

At school

This one is quite simple, and it’s something I have loved since I was a kid and will even have it quite frequently when I’m home. It may nay seem all that great to others, but this type of food is complete comfort food for me. It simply is rice pea loaf, with peas or chopped fresh broccoli, just a little bit of Brummel & Brown butter made from yogurt, some salt, and red pepper flakes. Rice, when made can have 6-7 servings, so you can have it through out the week if you don’t get sick of it like me. Peas are a perfect food to always have stocked in your freezer. I personally love peas and eat them with just about everything. Also, they are very inexpensive.

At home

At home, I tend to not like to eat the same thing twice, unless it is something I prepared to be eaten throughout the whole week like a big bowl of salad, or grilled chicken breasts, and veggies. When I have the time, and the creativity, I like to try to make something new. I always tend to enjoy cooking oriental style dishes, so quite often I like to prepare my own version of my favorite dish from my favorite Thai restaurant. They make a dish simply titled ‘Spicy Noodles’ which is ” stir fried Thai noodles with egg, chicken, onions, peppers, cabbage, carrots, snow peas, broccoli, string beans, zucchini, scallions in a spicy sauce. As you can imagine recreating this dish doesn’t taste just like the restaurant, but it sure is close and it has about 6 servings for the whole week.

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